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Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1

Soal PAS (Penilaian Akhir Semester) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 terdiri dari materi menyebutkan alfabet, mendemontrasikan salam dan tanggapan, menjelaskan silsilah keluarga, menyebutkan jenis-jenis pekerjaan, menunjukkan nama binatang, menyebutkan jenis-jenis pakaian, menunjukkan bagian-bagian rumah, dan mengidentifikasi teks yang memuat pola simple present. 

Baca juga Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5

Materi Pokok
 1 Alphabet
 2 Greeting and Response 
 3 Family Tree
 4 Job (Occupation)
 5 Animal
 6 Clothing
 7 Part of My House
 8 Simple Present 

Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester 1 
Bahasa Inggris (English)

Soal Ulangan Harian Matematika Materi Perbandingan Dan Skala Kelas 5 Waktu Tersisa

Petunjuk Umum :
  1. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar!
  2. Waktu yang disediakan untuk menjawab seluruh soal 90 menit
  3. Setiap soal memiliki bobot nilai yang sama
  4. Tekan cek nilai untuk melihat nilai
  5. Isi nama dan email sesuai dengan petunjuk guru lalu tekan kirim
  6. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, buku, atau alat bantu lainnya

Pilihan Ganda
Soal No.1
What is letter after G?
A. F
B. H
C. I
D. B

Soal No.2
What is letter before F?
A. E
B. G
C. H
D. B

Soal No.3
Anisa : I'm Anisa.
David : How do you spell it?

A. Ji – ai – di – ei – en
B. El – yu – ji – ai – ei
C. Si – ai – en – ti – ei
D. Ei – en – ai – es – ei

Soal No.4
Tono : Hello Budi, .........
Budi : I'm fine, thank you.

A. What is your name?
B. What do you do?
C. How are you?
D. I'm sorry

Soal No.5
At 08.00 p.m. you meet your friend. How do you greet him/her?
A. Good morning
B. Good afternoon
C. Good evening
D. Good night

Look at the family tree below and answer the question (Question number 6 − 9)
Soal No.6
Who is Mr. Budi's daughter?
A. Putri
B. Dian
C. Tono
D. Andi

Soal No.7
Mr. Budi has two children. What are their name?
A. Putri and Andi
B. Andi and Rendi
C. Tono and Putri
D. Dian and Tono

Soal No.8
Who is Mrs. Putri's husband?
A. Budi
B. Tono
C. Dian
D. Ani

Soal No.9
Who is Rendi's aunt?
A. Ani
B. Putri
C. Dian
D. Tono

Soal No.10
He is Mr. Irawan.
He is a ......
A. Carpenter
B. Dentist
C. Engineer
D. Chef

Soal No.11
He is Mr. Santoso
He is a ......
A. Teacher
B. Sailor
C. Policeman
D. Engineer

Soal No.12
Jessica : There are some pet animals.
Cantika : Mention two pet animals!
Jessica : . . .
A. Monkey and cow
B. Bee and rabbit
C. Dog and Cat
D. Cow and fish

Soal No.13
What animal is that?
B. Deer
C. Giraffe
D. Monkey

Soal No.14
A monkey eats . . .
A. Milk
B. Banana
C. Grass
D. Flower

Soal No.15
Yonna wears ..... on her finger
A. Ring
B. Necklace
C. Bracelet
D. Watch

Soal No.16
We wear . . . in rainy season
A. Shirt
B. Tuxedo
C. Raincoat
D. Swimsuit

Soal No.17
Justin : Father, where is Ana?
Father : She is in . . . . .
Justin : What is she doing there?
Father : She is sleeping
A. Kitchen
B. Bedroom
C. Bathroom
D. Home office

Soal No.18
Every morning, I always take a bath in . . . .
A. Kitchen
B. Bedroom
C. Bathroom
D. Home Office

Soal No.19
She . . . . use soap for taking a bath
A. Doesn't
B. Don't
C. Is
D. Are

Soal No.20
. . . she go to school everday ?
A. Do
B. Does
C. Are
D. I

Nilai =
Nilai Tertinggi (Maksimal): 100
Yuk kirim nilai kalian kepada guru! 📘 📣

    Please translate the sentences into bahasa Indonesia!
  1. Dodi is playing football
  2. My father is reading newspaper
  3. My mom is cooking in the kitchen
  4. I go to school everyday
  5. I am reading a book

Made Ary Aditia
Made Ary Aditia Seorang pendidik di salah satu sekolah dasar Kab. Gianyar, Bali